January 2025 Newsletter

We see and hear stories of redemption from trouble daily at FirstLook and The Thrifty Lark, and we want to share the victories and praises with you by SAYING SO! 

Enjoy the updates of how your support is changing and saving lives!

A mother came to FirstLook for a pregnancy test. She was visibly upset and appeared to be stressed. She stated that she already had children, and this pregnancy was unexpected. She shared with her Volunteer Client Coordinator that her boyfriend was much older and had grown children. Her boyfriend, who did not attend the appointment, was pressuring her to have an abortion. He told her he was done raising kids and did not want to start over. The mother told him that she was going to have the baby with or without him.

The Volunteer Client Coordinator encouraged the mother to bring her boyfriend to the sonogram appointment the following week, explaining that a male Client Coordinator would meet with him just like she had met with her and go over the parenting options counseling with him. 

The mother returned for her sonogram appointment and her boyfriend came with her. The father then met with a male Volunteer Client Coordinator and shared how he was nervous about starting over at his age. After listening to his concerns and going over the parenting options counseling, the father stated that he was committed to supporting his girlfriend and parenting. Both the mother and the father appeared to be happy upon seeing the baby during the sonogram.  The couple also met with a Spiritual Support Volunteer afterwards who prayed with them and shared the hope of Jesus Christ with them. 

Shortly after leaving FirstLook, the mother posted a five star Google review raving about the amazing volunteers and staff and how much she recommends FirstLook!

We could not reach the abortion-minded father or mother with the truth without our amazing volunteers!



January 2025 Revenue through The Thrifty Lark




Thank you for your donations and purchases that all further the mission of FirstLook!

If you or your friends would like a tour of FirstLook, we are open for tours most Fridays. Please email alisha@firstlookcenter.org to schedule a tour!

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