Ellis County Becomes the First 'Sanctuary County for the Unborn' in Texas
County commissioners unanimously passed a resolution Tuesday, January 28, 2020 declaring Ellis County a “sanctuary county” for the unborn, making Ellis County the first official sanctuary county in Texas.
Commissioners passed the resolution in response to Texas Senate Bill 22, which would prevent taxpayer dollars from going to healthcare providers that perform abortions.
A Note from FirstLook CEO, Donna Young
“My name is Donna Young. I have resided in Ellis County for almost thirty years. For almost 25 of those years, I have been supporting women facing an unexpected pregnancy. First, through the maternity home and mother and child program at Texas Baptist Home, and for the last 13 years through the outreach of FirstLook, Ellis County’s sexual health and pregnancy center.
I have always found the citizens of this county and this Commissioner’s Court to be supportive of the cause for life in our community. FirstLook will celebrate its 25th anniversary on Friday, February 7th and hundreds of people will gather to rejoice in the pre-born children whose lives were spared abortion and the mothers and fathers who have found hope and support in very difficult circumstances.
I have stood here in this court with previous County Judges and Commissioners. This Court has resolved on more than one occasion that Sanctity of Human Life Week be observed in Ellis County during January coinciding with the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion in our nation.
I say all that to point out, I firmly believe that the citizens of this county overwhelmingly support this resolution. I believe they join me in firmly standing on the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. And I believe this resolution takes the next step in protecting the lives of our pre-born children.
There are many organizations in Ellis County offering life-affirming support to mothers and fathers. Let this encourage us all to continue to do so, to stand firmly on the fact that every citizen in our county has value, all are created in the image of God, every life has a purpose. Every innocent life deserves to be protected. I thank you for your wisdom, foresight and courage to take this bold stand in our County.
Every innocent life deserves to be protected. I thank you for your wisdom, foresight and courage to take this bold stand in our County.”
Donna Young, CEO of FirstLoo