By Nancy Cunningham, A FirstLook Spiritual Mentor
FirstLook recently held a Curbside Diaper Giveaway for the community, giving diapers and other gifts to anyone who signed up online. Because of COVID-19, we met them in the parking lot after they called to let us know they had arrived. After speaking with the Client Coordinator, they were also offered spiritual support if they were interested. If they said yes, our Spiritual Mentor would then talk and pray with them.
I had the privilege of explaining to several clients that the Gospel is not just going to church or doing good works; there has to be spiritual rebirth. That involves a commitment to let Jesus take control of our lives and be willing to obey what He calls us to do.
There were 5 spiritual rebirths that I know of in the parking lot that day that we celebrate, even as the angels do! Thanks to everyone who has had a part in this ministry – we’re all in this together!