A First Look at Fake

By Sharra Poteet

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5

While there are those who would seek to extinguish the Light, there is still the absence of darkness if you look for it. 

A “Campaign” to expose “Fake” Clinics (targeting Pregnancy Centers like FirstLook) was launched by the Lady Parts Justice League. While the records show the campaign gained little momentum, it was initiated nonetheless. 

During this same time, the following very real events took place in our reportedly “fake” pregnancy center:

  • A father of an unexpected pregnancy was greeted, mentored, and cared for by our new Father Client Coordinator, Buddy. A “real” father spoke life to a “real” father. Encouraged him in “real” life issues. A “real” time of listening took place here in this Pregnancy Center. 
  • A young lady came into the Center for STD testing. She had a “real” conversation about a “real”ly difficult and “real” personal health problem. The “real” licensed professional Registered Nurse educated her on the “real” facts, and equipped and empowered the young woman to make healthy decisions. 
  • FirstLook was able to throw a wonderful baby shower for a client who will soon give birth to “real” twins. The mother’s family was invited, and the FirstLook staff came to support her and to let her know we will continue to be here for her in her “real” life and the lives of her babies. She was so appreciative. She often attends our “real” Prenatal and Parenting Education classes. 

Your “REAL” investment in FirstLook is never taken lightly! We know that you invest because you understand the absolute reality of the Sanctity of Life. It is not “fake,” nor is your priceless investment.

FirstLook Sexual Health and Pregnancy Center continues to stand as the only Pregnancy Help Medical Clinic in Ellis County. Please, as you consider your financial investment/s during 2021, remember to give locally: #GiveEllisCounty.

Note: This is a true FirstLook story. Only the names have been changed to protect client identities.

FirstLook is leading Ellis County to embrace life by promoting best sexual health practices and providing family support in the name of Jesus Christ. We focus on real lives, real stories, and real impacts being made thanks to the positive, life-affirming alternatives to abortion we offer to women and families facing an unplanned pregnancy. Learn how you can be part of our Real Lives campaign at https://friendsoffirstlook.org/reallives/.

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