

Virtual Parenting Classes In COVID-19

At FirstLook one of our many joys is providing educational classes to our clients. Class topics include prenatal education, newborn care, toddler care and life skills. Some are first-time parents; others are seeking to become better equipped as parents. Client Coordinators, Interns, and the Case Manager enjoy meeting with clients and being part of their support team!

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All Things Made New

Many times at the FirstLook Boutiques we get items that some may think are old, no longer usable, out of date, or just aren’t wanted anymore. But then one day a customer comes in that has a creative eye and can see past its worn, faded, undesirable state. They purchase the old item in excitement, take it home eager to work with it, and transform it into something beautiful!

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County Commissioner's Court gathers to pass resolution naming Ellis County as a sanctuary for the unborn

Ellis County, Sanctuary for the Unborn

County commissioners unanimously passed a resolution Tuesday, January 28, 2020 declaring Ellis County a “sanctuary county” for the unborn, making Ellis County the first official sanctuary county in Texas.

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Chellie’s Story

Chellie is a brave young woman who came to FirstLook seeking a confirmation of pregnancy and a place for refuge.

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